Product Development Project

@ Client Company

"Product Development Project" was an experience UXR project I led for a client company. The high-level objective of the study was to develop an existing product by making decisions backed by research.

Disclaimer: Some information is removed due to confidentiality.

Background and Goals

Two research studies were conducted. For the first study, a survey was distributed. The users who indicated their interest in participating in follow-up research were contacted to join the second study.

The second study utilized both moderated in-depth interviews and usability testing.

Once the analysis was completed, the results were presented to stakeholders in an engaging feature prioritization workshop.

Experience Research Goals
Market Research Goals
Design Research Goals


To achieve the different research goals, I decided to utilize a combination of UXR methods. We first conducted a survey that received 87 responses, 22 of which were current users. The survey provided us with insights that answered our user experience and market questions.

Figure 1. Quantitative insight demo
Figure 1. Quantitative Insight Demo

62 (71.3%) of the past participants indicated their interest in joining a future study. They were later invited into a combination of a moderated in-depth interview and usability testing session to gather more qualitative insights. 15 participants participated in the session, which provided richer insights into our research questions.

After the session was concluded, a feature prioritization workshop was conducted with the stakeholders to wrap up the study, utilizing the insights we received from the previous survey and session. Through the workshop, the stakeholders determined the features that needed to be prioritized in their roadmap for the product development to run smoothly.

Figure 2. Feature Prioritization Workshop Demo
Figure 2. Feature Prioritization Workshop Demo
Figure 3. Weighted Scoring Prioritization Demo
Figure 3. Weighted Scoring Prioritization Demo

User personas and user journeys were also created from the previous data to help guide the stakeholders through the current and potential users' journey while interacting with the website. These deliverables provided them with empathetic insights into the high and low points of their product.

Figure 4. User Journey Demo
Figure 4. User Journey Demo

Key Learnings

Through the survey, we were able to gain more information into the characteristics, interests, and demographics of the product's current and potential users. Prior to this study, the company's understanding of their users were collected through their website analytics. The company was able to collect more accurate information through the survey results that challenged their previous preconceptions of their users.

We also gathered insights regarding any market interest due to COVID-19, current and potential users' habits and preferences of travel and using a travel tool, as well as the users' interest in future feature ideas to aid us in developing the product. Through the survey, we were able to determine the features that had the most interest from users.

Lastly, the survey indicated that users did not have a strong interest in using a mobile app version, which convinced the stakeholders to focus their resources on developing better features for their website.

The semi-structured interview and usability testing sessions provided us with plenty of data regarding the users' journey as they plan their trips and interact with the tool. This gave us more insight into their pain points and needs that the product had yet to fulfill. It also helped the stakeholders see their users interact with their product in real time, which was incredibly insightful to them. The sessions were helpful in providing UI/UX insights to support design decisions for the newest version of the product.

After the workshop, the stakeholders were able to make data-driven decisions such as determining which features they should focus on developing as they revamped their product.

For additional findings and learnings, please contact

Research Impact

Market Impact
Product Development Impact
My Learnings